first mentioned act in lieu of Joseph S. Colgan, whereby the in-
tention of said act may be defeated; Therefore,
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all the
benefits of the act to which this act is a supplement be extended to
Joseph S. Colgan, in the same manner and as fully as if the said
mistake had not happened, and all proceedings heretofore had in
favour of Joseph S. Colgan, under the said act, are hereby con-
CHAP. 169.
Entitled to bene-
fit of former act.
An Act authorising Edmond Henry Contee to remove certain Negroes into the
State of Maryland.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Ed-
mond Henry Contee be and he is hereby authorised and empow-
ered, at any time or times within two years alter the passage of
this act, to remove and bring into this state from the state of Vir-
ginia, the negro slaves Thomas, Armstrong, Peter, Hezekiah,
Thornton, Fanny, Nelly, Jemima, Rebecca and two children,
Letty and two children, and Jenny, to whom he is entitled by de-
scent, and that the removal of said slaves, and their issue, and
bringing them into the state of Maryland, shall not be deemed or
taken, or in any manner be construed or operate, to entitle them
Passed Feb. 14, 1821.
Authorised to
bring slaves into
this state.
to freedom; Provided, that the said negroes, when removed agree-
ably to the provisions of this act. shall be recorded in the records
of Charles county court, within three months after their arrival
in said county.
An Act to pay the Civil List and other expenses of Civil Government.
WHEREAS those who dedicate their time, abilities and labour,
to the public, ought to receive a reasonable compensation for their
Passed Feb. 14, 1821.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
following officers of the civil government for the time being, shall
be entitled to receive at the rate of the following salaries, in cur-
rent money, for the ensuing year, to wit: The treasurer of the
western shore two thousand dollars, the treasurer of the eastern
shore five hundred dollars, the auditor five hundred dollars, the
clerk of the council one thousand dollars, the clerk of the senate
one hundred and fifty dollars, the clerk of the house of delegates
three hundred dollars, the printer to the state fourteen hundred
dollars, the messenger to the council two hundred and fifty dollars.
Officers salaries.
2. And be it enacted, That all monies which shall remain in the
treasury after discharging the journal of accounts, and all unap-
propriated money which may come into the treasury, be first ap-
plied to the payment of the civil list for the ensuing year.
monies to be first
applied to pay-
ment thereof.
A Further Additional Supplementary Act to the act, entitled, An act for Quiet-
ing Possessions, Enrolling Conveyances, and Securing the Estates of Pur-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all
deeds heretofore made, or hereafter to be made, for conveying or
passing any estate, of inheritance or freehold, or declaring or li-
miting any use or uses, trust or trusts, or for conveying any es-
Passed Feb. 14, 1821.
Deeds conveying
any estate of in-
heritance, &c to
have effect, &c.