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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 11   View pdf image
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CHAP. 21.

Passed Dec. 23.


An Act for the relief of John King, and certain other Securities of William S.
Handy, late Collector of Somerset county.

WHEREAS a certain William S. Handy was appointed collector
of Somerset county for the year eighteen hundred and eighteen;
And whereas, a certain John King, and others, became securities
for the said William S. Handy, in his bond for the performance
of his duty as collector aforesaid: And whereas, a suit has been
brought against the said William S. Handy, and his securities
aforesaid, by the levy court of Somerset county, for a certain sum
levied and assessed by virtue of an act passed at December ses-
sion eighteen hundred and seventeen, entitled, An act authorising
the levy court of Somerset county to levy and assess a sum of
money for certain purposes therein mentioned, which sum after-
wards, by an act of assembly passed at December session eigh-
teen hundred and eighteen, was appropriated to the payment of the

expenses of the said county for the year eighteen hundred and
nineteen, which said expenses have since been paid, without re-
sorting to the money so as aforesaid appropriated: And whereas,
a certain other suit was instituted by the trustees of the poor of
said county against the said William S. Handy, and his securities
aforesaid, for a certain sum of money levied and assessed for the
use of the poor of said county for the year eighteen hundred and
eighteen, which said sum the said William S. Handy failed to
pay, and a sum was assessed and relevied for the same purpose
the year following thereafter: And whereas, the owners of asses-
sable property in said county are entitled to the said sums, when
recovered on said suits: And whereas, a considerable portion of
the owners of assessable property in .said county have represent-
ed to this general assembly, that they are willing to relinquish all
their interest in the claims aforesaid, to the securities aforesaid;

Release to securi-

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the

levy court aforesaid, and the trustees of the poor aforesaid, are
hereby authorised and required to release to the securities afore-
said, such portion of the sums respectively due in said actions,
as has been assessed to and levied on such owners of assessable
property in said county, as have made the aforesaid representation,
or as have released their respective interests in the aforemention-
ed sums to the. said securities, or given their written consent to
such release, or who may hereafter release such interest to the se-
curities aforesaid.

Balance, how to
be applied.

2. And be it enacted, That the levy court, and the trustees afore-
said, are hereby authorised and required to appropriate the ba-
lance of said sums, when recovered in the aforesaid actions, to
the expenses of the said county, and apply the same to the entire
and exclusive benefit of such owners of assessable property in
Somerset county as have not released the securities aforesaid, or
signed any petition to the general assembly expressing their con-
sent to such a release, or who may not hereafter release to the se-
curities aforesaid at any time previous to a recovery in the a afore-
said actions.

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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 11   View pdf image
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