AN ACT to authorise the Commissioners of the
tax of Prince George's county, to sell the To-
bacco Inspection Warehouse in the village of
Piscataway, in said county.
Passed Febru-
ary 23, 1858.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Commissioners of tax
of Prince George's county, be and they are here-
by authorised and empowered to sell, either at
public or private sale, as to them may seem most
conducive to the public interest the Tobacco Ware-
house and the lot upon which it stands, in the
village of Piscataway, in said county; and to ap-
ply the proceeds thereof to the repair of the pub-
lic roads within the fifth election district of said
county, from time to time, or to such other coun-
ty purposes as the said Commissioners may deem
ers of tax au-
thorised to sell.