pals, or to receive or deliver policies of insurance,
or any instruments in the nature or to the effect
of policies of insurance, or to advertise or offer to
make such insurances, or to receive and transmit
such offers, or to receive or deliver such policies,
by publication in any paper or by any card or
circular, or to open any office for the transaction
of such business, although such individual or
individuals, or association of individuals, may be
incorporated for such purposes by the laws of any
State, District or Territory of the United States,
or by the laws of any foreign kingdom, State or
nation, without first obtaining a license therefor
in the manner hereinafter described.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That a license for the
purpose of effecting insurances, or receiving or trans-
mitting offers for insurance, or receiving or deliver-
ing policies of insurance as expressed in the pre-
ceding section, shall be granted by the Comp-
troller of the State to any person or persons, body
or bodies corporate or politic, who shall apply
therefor and pay to the said Comptroller the sum
of two hundred dollars for the use of this State;
which license shall authorise the person or per-
sons, body or bodies corporate or politic to whom
the same Khali be granted, to effect insurances, or
to receive and transmit offers for insurances, or to
receive and deliver policies of insurances as afore-
said, from the day of its date, for the period of
twelve months thereafter and no longer.
License to ef-
fect insurance,
&c., to be gran-
ted by Comp-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person
or persons, body or bodies corporate or politic,
acting as agent or agents as aforesaid shall effect
an insurance or insurances, or affect to effect an
insurance or insurances, or receive and transmit
an offer or offers for insurance, or receive or de-
liver a policy or policies of insurance as aforesaid,
or advertise or circulate any card, circulars or no-
tice, or open or keep any office for the transac-
tion of said business without a license first had
and obtained as hereinbefore provided, he, she
or they shall forfeit and pay for each offence the
sum of five hundred dollars, one-half to the use
of the informer, who shall be a competent, wit-
ness, the other half to be paid to the Clerk of the
Criminal Court of the city of Baltimore, as the
case may be, for the use of this State, to be re-
Penalty for
for effecting in-
surance, &c ,
without license.