covered in the name of the State of Maryland by
action of debt or indictment in the Circuit Court
for the county or in the Criminal Court for Balti-
more city, where such offence shall have been com-
mitted, and to be accounted for and paid into the
Treasury by the clerk receiving the same at the
period limited for accounting for and paying mo-
neys received for license.
to publish an-
nually the
names of per-
sons taking out
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Comptroller
shall annually publish in at least two newspapers,
one of which shall be in the city of Baltimore,
names of such agent or agents so taking out li-
cense under this act, with the names of the com-
panies they represent.
One license to
enable agent to
act for but one
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That nothing in this
act contained shall authorise any agent or agents
to act as such for more than one foreign corpora-
tion, individual, or association of individuals, by
virtue of one license.
Persons to
whom license
shall not be is-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That no license shall
be issued to any person or persons as hereinbe-
fore provided for, who has or have heretofore
acted or held himself or themselves out as agent
or agents for any individual, or association of in-
dividuals, or corporation not incorporated by the
laws of this State as aforesaid, until such person or
persons shall have paid into the Treasury the
sum of one hundred dollars per annum for every
year during which said person or persons acted or
professed, or held himself or themselves out
to act, as such agent or agents; and no license
shall be granted to any person or persons to act
as agent or agents under this act for any indi-
vidual, association or corporation not incorpo-
rated by the State, until the Comptroller shall be
duly satisfied that all or any other agent or
agents by whom the said individual, association
or corporation, shall have been heretofore repre-
sented as the agent or agents thereof, has or have
paid into the Treasury the annual license of
one hundred dollars, provided for and required
by the act of eighteen hundred and forty-six,
chapter three hundred and fifty-seven, for every
year during which the said agent or agents acted,
or held himself or themselves out to act as agent
or agents of said individual, association or corpo-