law, for the election of local trustees for the other
free schools in Paid county, and the said trustees,
so elected, shall exercise all the powers now ves-
ted in local trustees of free schools in said county,
and hold for the term of one year, from the time
of their election.
AN ACT to widen the public road from George-
town to Georgetown Cross Roads, and from
Chesterville and Massey's Cross Roads to
Georgetown Cross Roads, in Kent county, and
to straighten the road from Chesterville to
Georgetown Cross Roads.
Passed March
6, 1858.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the County Commissioners
for Kent county, be and they are hereby author-
ised and required to appoint three persons, resi-
dents of the Third Election District in said county,
"commissioners" to whom they shall issue a com-
mission to enter upon, go over, and examine the
public roads leading from Georgetown and from
Chesterville and from Massey's Cross Roads to
Georgetown Cross Roads, and to ascertain and de-
termine whether the said roads shall be widened,
and the road from Chesterville to Georgetown Cross
Roads should also be straightened, and that the
said commissioners, when so appointed and qual-
ified according to the requirements of the act of
Assembly, of January session, eighteen hundred
and fifty-three, chapter two hundred and twenty,
entitled an act granting the County Commission-
ers of the several counties of this State, the power
to open, alter and close roads in their respective
counties, relating to examiners, shall have and
exercise all the powers and authority of examiners
under the said act, and after their qualification,
County Com-
missioners au-
thorised to ap-
point three re-
sidents of the
third election
district as com-
missioners to
examine public