SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for making
said road, subscription books for a capital stock
of six thousand dollars, in three hundred shares
of twenty dollars each share, shall be opened at
Merriken's store, in said county, by and under the
direction of John Zimmerman, William Mason,
Doctor Birney, William Lewis, Adolph Wide-
meyer, Caleb Peddicord, Thomas W. Reed, Henry
Frantz and James L. Ridgely, on the first Mon-
day of March next, and to continue the same open
until not less than sixty shares of said capital
stock shall have been subscribed.
Books to be
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That when said sixty
shares of stock shall have been subscribed, the
commissioners aforesaid, or a majority of them,
shall give ten days public notice by handbills set
up in three or more conspicuous places on the
line of the said contemplated turnpike road, of the
time and place, to be by them designated, for the
subscribers to meet for the purpose of organizing
said corporation by choosing by a plurality of
votes, by ballot, a president and five directors, three
of whom shall be a quorum, also a treasurer and
such other officers as they shall deem necessary
for conducting the affairs of said company until
the first Monday in March of the ensuing year, at
which election every stockholder shall be entitled
to vote in person or by proxy, one vote for every
share of stock he may own, not exceeding ten
votes in the whole; and the said officers and di-
rectors so elected shall serve for one year, and
until their successors are chosen; for which last,
purpose an election shall be held on the first
Monday in March in each and every year during
the continuance of this franchise; and the said
president, and directors so elected may adopt
from time to time such by-laws, rules, and regula-
tions which may be necessary for the well-gov-
Ten days no-
tice to be given.
erning the affairs of the said company; Provided
however, that such by-laws do not contravene the
laws of the State.
SEC. 4. And be, it enacted, That the stock sub-
scribed to the said company shall be paid in the
following manner, viz: one dollar per share to
the commissioners at the time of subscribing, and
the remainder in such sums per share at such
Manner of par-
ing in stock.