corporated by this act, and their successors for-
ever; and the shares of the capital stock of the
said company shall be deemed and considered per-
sonal estate.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said Pre-
sident and Directors shall declare and make such
dividends as they may deem proper of the nett
profits arising from the resources of the said
Company, after deducting the necessary current
and probable contingent expenses, and that they
shall divide the same amongst the proprietors of
the stock of said Company in proper proportions
to their respective shares.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That if any person
or persons shall wilfully, by any means whatso-
ever, injure, impair, or destroy any part of any
Rail Road, constructed by said Company under
this act, or any of the necessary works, build-
ings, carriages, vehicles or machines of said Com-
pany, or place any obstruction on said road, so
as to endanger the lives of passengers or property
of said Company, such person or persons so of-
fending shall be subject to indictment in the Cir-
cuit Court of the county wherein the offence shall
be committed, and upon conviction of such offen-
ces shall be punished by fine and imprisonment
in the discretion of the Court.
Persons In-
juring or ob-
structing road
to be punished.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That it shall be law-
ful for the President and Directors of the Towson-
town Rail Road Company, aforesaid, or a majori-
ty of them, to regulate, ascertain and fix from
time to time, the price or sum to be charged and
taken by the said Company for receiving, weigh-
ing, delivering and storage of merchandise, pro-
duce and other articles, and for the transportation
of any single bale, box, or parcel of merchan-
dise, or other articles not exceeding two hundred
and fifty pounds weight, provided that nothing
herein contained shall be construed to prevent the
General Assembly of Maryland, from altering, fix-
ing and controlling said price or prices so charged
whenever in its discretion it may see fit or neces-
President and
Directors to fix
charges for sto-
rage, &c.
SEC. 13. And Be it enacted, That nothing con-
tained in this act, shall authorise the said Com-
pany to use or occupy any land or other property
for the purposes of said Company without just
Owners of pro-
perty to be al-
lowed a just