compensation as agreed upon between the said
Company and the owner or owners of such land
or property, or awarded by a jury, being first paid
or tendered to the party or parties entitled to such
May charge
ten cents.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the said com-
pany shall be entitled to charge and take for the
transportation of any parcel or article on such
railroad or roads any distance whatever ten cents.
Not to exer-
cise banking
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That nothing here-
in contained shall be taken or construed to au-
thorise the said Company, either directly or in-
directly, to exercise or use banking privileges, or
to issue any certificate or evidence of debt to be
used as currency.
Authorised to
dispose of road.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the President
Directors and Company of the said Towsontown
Rail Road may at any time after the completion
of their said road, by a vote of two thirds of the
stockholders according to the number of shares
held by them respectively, elect to sell and dis-
pose of absolutely or otherwise their entire road,
together with all its rights, privileges and appur-
tenances upon such terms as they may deem pro-
per, and to the best interest and advantage of
said stockholders.
Not lawful for
Company to
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That it shall not
be lawful for said Company in the construction of
said Road to obstruct any highway, street or
public avenue, to affect in any manner the use of
the same, as is now required by the public.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the Legisla-
ture reserves the right to alter, amend or repeal
this act at pleasure.
In force.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect within one year from the date of its