and may sue and be sued, plead and be implead-
ed, answer and defend in all courts of law and
equity, and may make, execute and deliver, or
have or cause to be made, executed and delivered
to them all deeds, transfers, gifts, grants, con-
veyances, covenants, contracts, agreements and
bargains whatsoever, necessary for the purposes
and objects of said company, and may have and
use a common seal, which they shall have power
to alter or renew at pleasure, and generally to
do every other act or thing necessary to carry
into effect the provisions, objects and purposes of
this act, and not inconsistent with the laws of
this State or of the United States.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the purposes
and objects for which the Towsontown Rail Road
Company aforesaid, is incorporated, are the lo-
cating, making, constructing and repairing a
Rail Road from Towsontown, in Baltimore coun-
ty, to a point near the Relay House, on the
Northern Central Railway, the putting cars, ma-
chinery and motive power on the same, for the
purpose of conveying freight and passengers,
and charging tolls thereon, as hereinafter men-
tioned and intended.
Object of in-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Na-
than Smedley, John R. D. Bedford, Enos Smed-
ley, Jacob Wisner, Dr. Grafton M. Bosley,
Amos Mathews, William M. Ellicott, Benjamin
Bowen, William Bowen, James L. McDaniel,
and William B. Hill, or such one or more of
them as the others, or a majority of them, shall
for that purpose authorise and appoint, may take
and receive subscriptions to the capital stock of
said company, in such manner and on such
terms as they, or a majority of them, shall
choose or designate, in shares of twenty-five
dollars each, to such amount as they may deem
necessary, not exceeding two thousand shares,
and any person or persons who shall become
holders or entitled to one or more shares of said
stock, shall thereupon become a member of the
Towsontown Rail Road Company, hereby incor-
porated, and as such shall be entitled to one vote
in person or by proxy at all meetings of the
stockholders, for each share of stock so held by
him or them on which all instalments due shall
to capital stock.