thirteen of Washington county, and the place of
holding elections for said district shall be "Cun-
ningham's Cross Roads," where a poll shall he
held at all elections for State, County, and Dis-
trict officers, and at which place all the voters
of said district shall vote, and said commission-
ers shall appoint judges and officers to hold the
elections in said district, who shall in like man-
ner be governed by the same laws as the judges
and officers of other election districts in said
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the commis-
sioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall on
or before the first Monday of July, eighteen
hundred and fifty eight, return under their hand
and seals an account of their proceedings in the
premises to the clerk of the Circuit court for
said county, whoso duty it shall be to record the
same among the land records of Washington
ers shall make
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the said Commissioners to publish in such
newspapers of the county, as they may select, the
metes and bounds of the district contemplated by
this act, immediately after said district shall have
been established.
The metes and
bounds of dis-
trict to be pub-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That all laws incon-
sistent with this act, be and they are hereby re-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That all district
officers elected at the general election held on the
fourth day of November, eighteen hundred and
fifty-seven, in and for any election district out of
which the district herein provided for shall be
formed, and who shall have been duly qualified,
commissioned and sworn as district officers, shall
continue to hold their said offices for the districts
for which they were elected, notwithstanding
such officers may reside in the district herein pro-
vided for.
District offi-
cers already e-
lected to con-
tinue in office.