county, and Frederick and Washington, and Al-
legany counties, and Calvert county, and Prince
George's county, and Anne Arundel county, and
Kent county, and Carroll county, between the
fifteenth day of January, and the first day of Oc-
tober, in any year, for the purpose of trapping,
shooting, taking, or in any manner killing any
bird or birds commonly known as Partridges or
Quails, and any person or persons so offending
shall forfeit and pay a fine of five dollars and
costs for each and every offence, to be recovered
before any justice of the peace of said county,
upon information or complaint in the manner
hereinafter provided for.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That upon infor-
mation or complaint by any person or persons on
oath, before any justice of the peace of said coun-
ty, it shall be the duty of said justice of the
peace to issue a warrant or summons to any con-
stable, or the sheriff of said county, for the arrest
of any person or persons so offending, to be
brought before him or some other justice of said
county, and upon conviction of said offence, the
above fine shall be imposed with such costs as are
now allowed by law in criminal proceedings, one
half of said fine to go to the informer, who shall
be a competent witness, and the other half to be
paid to the Treasurer of Howard county, and to
the Treasurer or Commissioners of the several
counties above named for the use of the public
schools in said several counties.
Justice to is-
sue warrant.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the provisions
of this act shall extend to the trapping, shooting,
taking, or in any manner killing any of the birds
called Woodcock, between the first day of Februa-
ry, and the tenth day of June, in any year; also
to the trapping, shooting, taking, or in any man-
ner killing any of the birds called Pheasants, be-
tween the first day of February, and the twelfth
day of August, in any year.
Woodcock and
Pheasants pro-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any Tavern
or Restaurant keeper, market man, or any other
person keeping a Tavern, Restaurant or Eating
house, shall expose for sale or have in his pos-
session in this State any Partridge or Quail,
Woodcock or Pheasant at any time between the
times in which the killing of such birds is de-
Possession to
be considered
prima facie ev-