interest and advantage of said company; Pro-
vided, nevertheless, that the power so to mort-
gage or convey by deed of trust, its property and
franchises shall not avail to defeat, avoid or im-
pair any valid existing obligation of said com-
pany; And provided, further, that the amount,
numbers and denominations of such bonds, and
the time or times of payment of the interest and
principal, and also the place of payment thereof,
shall be fully and definitely expressed and des-
cribed in the said mortgage or deed of trust as
the case may be.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
go into operation and take effect, as a part of the
charter of said company, whenever and as soon as
the same shall be accepted in a meeting of the
stockholders of said company, duly convened, on
notice previously given of the time and place of
such meeting, for at least three weeks before the
appointed day of such meeting, by advertise-
ment at least once a week, in one of the news-
papers of the cities of Cumberland, Baltimore
and New York.
To go into ef-