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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 686   View pdf image
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runaway negro, or negro slave committed to the jail of said county
by any citizen of this State.

70. A supplement to an act entitled, an act relating to that por-
tion of the Franklin Railroad, that lies within the State of Mary-
land, and providing for it sale, to pay the debts of the Franklin
Railroad Company, and for the immediate relaying and renewal of
said road, passed at January session 1853, chapter 135.

71. An act to authorise the commissioners of Somerset county
to cause to be built a new jail in said county.

72. An act to authorise William T. G. Polk, administrator of
Arnold Cottman, free negro, to execute a deed of manumission for
certain slaves therein mentioned.

73. An act amendatory to an act passed at January session 1854,
entitled, an act to provide for the opening of a docket by the Regis-
ters of Wills of the State, for the entry of claims passed by the
Registers and Orphans' Courts, against deceased persons.

74. An act to change the commencement of the September term
of the court of Howard county.

75. An act for the benefit of the legal representatives of Thomas
Woolford, late a lieutenant in the army of the revolution.

76. An act entitled, an act appropriating a sum of money for
the use of James G. Henning, clerk of the circuit court of Mont-
gomery county.

777 An act to allow a pension to Joseph Benson, a private in
the war of the revolution, and appropriating a sum of money for
the payment thereof.

78. An act entitled, an act to permit persons to whom free ne-
groes, or mulatto apprentices are bound in Worcester county, to hire
them out.

79. An act for the relief of the trustees of the Frederick Female

80. An act to make compensation to William J. Byrd, for a cer-
tain case argued in the Court of Appeals, for the State of Maryland,
by the appointment of the Governor thereof.

81. An act appropriating a sum of money to pay J. T. B. Dor
sey for services rendered in the case of the State against Shillinger,
in the Court of Appeals in 1854.

82. An act appropriating a sum of money for the payment of
the claims of James Murray, Thomas A. Mitchell, Samuel S.
Riley and others, against the State of Maryland.

83. An act to incorporate the Baltimore Steam Towing Com-

84. An act for the relief of Mahala Jones, a free negro woman
of Washington city, District of Columbia, and her children Be
nard Jones and Ella Jones, also of the District of Columbia.


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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 686   View pdf image
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