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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 685   View pdf image
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54. A bill entitled, an act authorising the payment to George
W. Nutwell of a certain sum of money therein mentioned, for the
loss of a negro man, killed in an attempt to secure his arrest.

55. An act to incorporate the President and Directors of the
Howard Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore.

56. A further supplement to a bill entitled, an act to incorporate
the Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad Company.

57. An act to authorise the repayment to the Messrs. Baring
Brothers and Company of certain moneys advanced by them on
account of the State of Maryland.

58. An act to authorise the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city
. to hear the appeal of Murray and Hazlehurst.

59. An act to authorise the Register of Wills, and the Clerks
of the Circuit Court of Worcester county, to have the record books
in their respective offices repaired.

60. An act appropriating a sum of money to pay J. Mason
Campbell, for services rendered the State in the trial of the case
of the State of Maryland against Isaac R. Smith in the Supreme
Court of the United States.

61. An act to direct the Orphans' Court of Caroline county in
the distribution of the school fund of said county.

62. An act granting the assent of the Legislature to a bequest of
a legacy made in the will of Sarah Hayward, of Somerset county,
to the vestry of Somerset parish in said county.

63. An act to refund to John B. Nichols, collector of the first
collection district of Anne Arundel county, certain moneys over-
paid by him into the treasurer of Maryland.

64. An act authorising and empowering the county commis-
sioners of Worcester county to levy such sum of money as in their
judgment may be necessary for the support of Margaret Jane Par-
adise of said county, who is very much deformed, and of very im-
perfect vision.

65. An act to authorise the devise and bequest of Margaret A.
Ward, to the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Churches at
Kingston and Merumsco, in Somerset county.

66. An act to compensate Jas. S. Franklin, for the trial of cer-
tain cases in the Court of Appeals, as counsel on the part of the
State, by appointment of the Governor.

66. An act to amend the charter of the Maryland Institution for
the instruction of the blind, passed January session 1853.

67. An additional supplement to an act passed December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and thirty eight, "entitled, an act to pro-
vide for the establishment of district schools in Charles county."

69. An act to increase the allowance to the sheriffs of Talbot coun-
ty, for keeping and boarding in the jail of said county, such pris-
oners as may be committed for breaches of the peace, or for any
criminal offences or otherwise, and for keeping and boarding any


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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 685   View pdf image
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