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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 684   View pdf image
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38. An act to change the name of Henry Schley, of the city of
Baltimore, to Benjamin Henry Schley.

39. An act to make valid a deed of manumission from Thomas
Lord to negress Caroline.

40. An act to fix the per diem of the county commissions of
Queen Anne's county.

41. An act to lay out and establish a new election district in
Somerset county, to be called Election District No. 14, or Lawson

42. An act to change the name of Mary Emeline Rider, of Som-
erset county, to Mary Wallace Rider.

43. An act for the relief of James Owens of Allegany county.

44. An act entitled, an act to change the name of the town of
Langollen, in Allegany county, to that of Bloomington.

46. A supplement to an act entitled, an act to incorporate the
Worcester Railroad Company, passed at the January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter two hundred and seventy-

46. An act to make valid and sufficient the acknowledgement
to a certain deed therein mentioned.

47. An act to authorise and empower the trustees of the parson-
sonage property of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Centreville,
in Queen Anne's county, to sell and convey a certain pan of said
property, now held by them in trust, and to make a certain appli-
cation of the proceeds of sale.

48. An act to refund to Robert G. Price, former collector of

Queen Anne's county, the several sums of money therein named
being an over-payment of State taxes in the treasury.

49. An act to authorise the issue of duplicate certificate bonds
or coupons in the cases therein mentioned.

60, An act amendatory of an act entitled, an act to incorporate
the Maryland and Delaware Railroad Company, passed at January
session, 1864, chapter 274, granting extensions of said railroad,
and other privileges.

51. An act for the protection of sheep by taxing dogs in Cecil

62. An act relative to the establishment .of a light house on
Sandy Point, in Anne Arundel county, and to cede to the United
States the jurisdiction of the State of Maryland in, to, and over the
site for the same.

63. An act relative to the establishment of a light house on Love
Point, on Kent's Island, in Queen Anne's county, and to cede to
the United States the jurisdiction of the State of Maryland in, to
and over a site for the same.


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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 684   View pdf image
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