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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 683   View pdf image
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23. An act supplementary to the several acts relating 'to the
powers and duties of the Board of Primary Education of Worces-
ter county.

24. An act to incorporate the Dulaney's Valley and Towson-
town Turnpike Company in Baltimore county.

26. An act to authorise and direct the sale of certain lands de-
vised to Lawrence W. Bates and Eliza, his wife, as trustees, by
Elizabeth Bayley, deceased, and the investment of the proceeds
thereof in other property for the same purpose.

26. An act to increase the allowance to the sheriffs of Anne
Arundel and Howard counties, for keeping and boarding in their
respective jails, such prisoners as may be committed for breaches
of the peace or for any criminal offences, or otherwise, and for
keeping and boarding any runaway negro or negro slave commit-
ted to the jails of said counties by any citizen of this State.

27. An act to refund to James Sparks of Queen Anne's county,
a sum of money therein named.

28. An act to prevent the introduction into this State of fraud-
ulent lotteries and lottery tickets.

29. An act to amend an act entitled, an act to incorporate the
Mutual Insurance Company of Frederick county, passed at De-
cember session, eighteen hundred and forty-three, chapter 199.

30. An act to make valid a deed from Benjamin G. Fitzhugh
and wife, Peregrine Fitzhugh and wife, and John G. Fitzhugh
and wife, to the Mineral Bank of Maryland, and Norman Bruce,
bearing date 14th day of July, 1853, and recorded in Liber H.
R., No. 13, folio 519, &c., one of the land records of Allegany

31. An act to alter and change the name of John White, of the
city of Baltimore, to the name of John W. Maxfield.

32. An act to pay Henry M. Murray, for services rendered the
State in the case of McPherson Lyles, tried for murder at the April
term of the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel county, 1854.

33. An act to incorporate the Somerset and Worcester Savings

34. An act appropriating a sum of money for the use of John

35. An act to amend the charter of the Baltimore Copper
Smelting Company

36. An act allowing compensation to the auditor of the city of
Baltimore for collecting taxes due and in arrears to the State of

37. An act for the relief of Arnold Pitts, a free man of color,
now in the State of New York.


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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 683   View pdf image
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