SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the county com-
missioners of Charles county shall, at least sixty days
before an election of road supervisors, determine
what amount of salary each supervisor shall receive
for the ensuing year, and so from year to year fix and
determine his salary, taking into the estimate the ne-
cessary skill, attention, service and supervision neces-
sary to keep the roads therein in repair; or the
county commissioners of any county may, instead of
a fixed and certain salary, fix, determine and limit a
certain per diem compensation to the said supervisor,
&c.; may, when they deem it expedient, require the
said supervisor to appoint a sufficient number
of proper and efficient deputy supervisors, as
may be so required, shall, for twenty days there-
after, fail so to appoint such deputies, the county
commissioners may, if they deem it expedient, ap-
point the same, prescribe their duties, and fix their
County com-
missioners to
fix salary of
compensation; Provided, That in all cases where a
certain annual salary is determined upon, the com-
pensation to the deputies above mentioned shall be
paid out of said salary, and where a pel diem is fixed
and determined upon for the supervisors, a per diem,
shall also be fixed and determined upon for the de-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the county com-
missioners in Charles county shall have full power
and authority to levy upon the assessable property of
the county, and pay the expenditures for the repair of
the roads, and all incidental expenses thereof, of the
several districts, or in case the county commissioners
of any of the counties shall deem it expedient, shall
have full power and authority to levy upon each dis-
trict for the amount of expenditure and all incidental
expenses thereof, in each district, for the repair of
roads therein.
authorised to
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever, by
the report, under oath, of any supervisor, that he
has used his utmost endeavor to procure labor
sufficient to repair the roads in his district, and that
he cannot procure the same, and the county commis-
sioners are satisfied that the supervisor has used his
utmost endeavor to procure sufficient labor, and can-
not do so at the prices fixed and allowed, the county
commissioners may, in their discretion, increase the
prices allowed for labor, and may, in such manner
and upon such notice and for such compensation to
be allowed, require of the taxable inhabitants of such
ers authorised
to increase the
price for labor-