AN ACT in favor of the Western Maryland Rail-
road Company, ignoring and waiving on the part
of the State, all cause of forfeiture by reason of
the said company's failure to comply with any of
the provisions of the original act incorporating the
same, passed January session eighteen hundred
and fifty-two, chapter three hundred and four,
and further amending said original art.
Passed Mar.
10, 1856.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the original act incorporating
the Western Maryland Railroad Company, that is
to say, the act entitled an act to incorporate the Bal-
timore, Carroll and Frederick Railroad Company,
passed January session eighteen hundred and fifty-
two, chapter three hundred and four, (the said origi-
nal corporate name being afterwards changed by an
amendatory act, passed at January session eighteen
hundred and fifty-three, chapter thirty-seven; to the
aforesaid name of Western Maryland Railroad com-
pany,) shall be as available, and remain in full force,
and virtue in law, to all intents and purposes, as
though the twenty-sixth section of said original act,
requiring the road therein contemplated to be com-
menced within three years, and finished within ten
years from the passage of said original act, had not
Time extend-
been made a part of such original act; Provided,
however, that said road be commenced within six
years, and finished within twelve years from the
passage of this act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all acts proceed-
ings and contracts heretofore made, had and done by
the President and directors of the said Western Ma-
ryland Railroad Company, or to which they have be-
come a party, shall be and they are hereby ratified
and confirmed and made as valid, and effectual, as if
there had been no failure on the part of said compa-
ny to comply with any of the provisions of said ori-
ginal act.
Made valid.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing in this
act contained, shall be understood as repealing or af-
fecting any of the provisions contained in the amen-
datory act aforesaid passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty three, chapter thirty-
Not to repeal
or affect.