of the year eighteen hundred and forty nine chapter
three hundred and seventy-four, be and the same are
hereby extended to and declared to be in full force in
the several counties of this State and in relation to
minors therein; the justices of the peace of said
counties respectively being hereby empowered to act
as to minors as aforesaid in the counties, as justices
of the peace for the city of Baltimore, may under
said provisions act in relation to minors in the city of
Sum appro-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the yearly sum
of ten thousand dollars for each of five successive
years to begin on and be computed from the day of
the passage of this act, be and the same is hereby ap-
propriated cut of any unappropriated monies in the
treasury, for the aid and benefit and support of the
House of Refuge.
Treasurer to
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of
the State shall upon the warrants of the Comptroller
of the Treasury department, pay to the managers of
the House of Refuge, or as they shall order and di-
rect, the yearly sums aforesaid so appropriated, and
in equal instalments of twenty-five hundred dollars
each at the end of every three months from and after
the day of the passage of this act during the five
successive years aforesaid.
To take effect.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the passage thereof; Provided how-
ever, that this act be accepted by said managers, or
by those attending a meeting of them called to con-
sider as to the said acceptance, which acceptance
shall take place within sixty days from the passage
of this act and shall be evidenced by a certificate of
the fact of acceptance, signed by the president and
secretary of the House of Refuge, or of the board
of managers, and transmitted to the Governor to be
filed and recorded in the Executive Chambers.