AN ACT to amend the act entitled, an act to estab-
lish a House of Refuge for juvenile delinquents
and the supplements thereof and to authorise the
appointment of managers on part of the State in
said House and to give to the judges of the Cir-
cuit Courts for the several counties of this State
the power to order minors to be removed to and
confined in the House of Refuge, and to appro-
priate for the aid and benefit and support of the
House of Refuge the annual sum of ten thousand
dollars for five successive years.
Passed Mar.
10, 1856.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Marl/land, That from and after the third Monday
of February in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-
seven the number of managers of the House of Re-
fuge shall be twenty-four, (seven continuing however
to be a quorum for the transaction of all business) of
whom ten shall be elected by members of the asso-
ciation, and ten be appointed by the mayor and city
council of Baltimore, in manner as now authorised,
and four shall be appointed by. the Governor in the
month of February in the year eighteen hundred and
fifty-seven, and in that month annually thereafter, the
Governor filling, as they may from time to time oc-
cur, all vacancies in the places of the four managers.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the second section ,
of the act of the General Assembly passed at Jan-
uary session of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-
three, chapter four hundred and four, be and the same
Second sec-
tion repealed.
is hereby repealed; and that so much of the act of
the General Assembly of Maryland passed at Decem-
ber session of the year eighteen hundred and forty-
nine, chapter three hundred and seventy-four, enti-
tled an act supplementary to an act to establish a
House of Refuge for juvenile delinquents passed
February eighth, eighteen hundred and thirty, and of
any law or laws, as purports to authorise or empower
the Judges of the Circuit Courts for any counties of
this State to order any minors to be removed to and
confined in the House of Refuge, be and the same
is hereby revived, re-enacted and continued hence-
forth in full force; and that all the provisions of the
second section of said act of the December session
Acts revived
and continued
in force.