and jail for Baltimore county, the erection of which
was provided for by the act of assembly aforesaid,
and the grounds attached to or appurtenant to the
same, the commissioners of Baltimore county shall
have power, and they are hereby authorised and re-
quired, upon the requisition of the board of commis-
sioners named in the act of assembly aforesaid, sign-
ed by them or a majority of them, to issue at their
discretion, from time to time, as the work of comple-
tion of the buildings aforesaid shall progress, the
bonds of said county, to an amount not exceeding
twenty thousand dollars, in sums of not less than five
hundred dollars, and to bear interest at the rate of
six per centum per annum, and redeemable and pay-
able at a period not exceeding ten years from the
date of their issue, which said bonds shall be deliv-
ered to the board of commissioners aforesaid, to be
by them negotiated upon such terms and such condi-
tions as to them may seem reasonable, and the pro-
ceeds and avails thereof to be used for the purpose of
completing the buildings and grounds aforesaid; Pro-
vided, however, that said bonds shall not. be sold or
negotiated at less than their par value.
Interest paya-
ble quarterly.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the interest on
the bonds issued under the provisions of this act
shall be payable quarterly out of the interest upon so
much of the five per cent, certificates of stock or
loan of the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, as was received by the county commission-
ers aforesaid from said city of Baltimore for the use
of said county.
authorised to
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the county com-
missioners be and they are hereby empowered to pay
to the board of commissioners aforesaid, out of the
interest already accrued, or hereafter to accrue, from
the certificates of stock, or loan of the city of Balti-
more, aforesaid, a sum not exceeding the sum of four
thousand six hundred and thirty-six dollars, to pay
certain contingent expenses incurred by said boa.d of
commissioners in the discharge of their duties as
required by the act of eighteen hundred and fifty-
four, chapter one hundred and forty-four, above
Amount al-
lowed for fu-
ture service.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the gross amount
to be allowed, for any future services, to the archi-
tect and commissioners appointed for the erection
and completion of said buildings, as their commis-