AN ACT to establish an additional Election District
in St. Mary's County.
Passed Mar.
10, 1856.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Richard H. Reeder, Chapman
Billingsley and Thomas W. Gough, or a majority of
them, be and they are hereby appointed commission-
ers to lay off and establish a new election district in
St. Mary's county, and to make choice in said elec-
tion district of a place at which elections shall be
New election
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commission-
ers, or a majority of them, in defining the boundaries
of said district, shall commence at the Horse landing
on the Patuxent river, thence with the most direct
main road to St. Joseph's church, thence with said
road by Bond's store and until it intersects the Rich
Neck road, thence across Rich Neck swamp with said
main road to its junction with the Mackintosh road
near M. Joy's farm, thence from said junction in the
most direct route to the division line of the second and
third election districts, thence with said division line
and up the Patuxent river to the place of the begin-
ning, and the said commissioners, or a majority of
them, shall on or before the first Monday in Septem-
ber next, deliver to the clerk of the circuit court of St.
Mary's county a description in writing under their
hands and seals, specifying plainly the boundaries
and number of said election district so laid off and the
place where the election for said district shall be held,
and the said clerk shall record the same among the
records of said county and transmit a copy thereof to
the Governor.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the sheriff of St.
Mary's county shall give notice of the place of holding
the election in such election district so laid off, by caus-
ing the same to be inserted in one or more newspa-
pers printed in St. Mary's county, once a week for at
least two months previous to holding the election in
November eighteen hundred and fifty-seven.
Notice of e-
lection to be
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any of the com-
missioners named in this act shall die, remove out
of the county, or refuse to accept his appointment be-
fore the first Monday in August next, the remaining
commissioners are hereby authorised and directed to
fill such vacancy or vacancies.