SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said
Clerk be and he is hereby required to procure two
new equity dockets, well bound for that purpose,
and to transcribe therein in a fair, plain, and legible
hand all the docket entries in the equity dockets num-
bers one and two in the Circuit Court of said county
with proper and suitable indexes to the same, and said
new dockets, when finished and completed shall and
they are hereby declared to be substituted in the
place and stead of said original equity dockets num-
ber one and two, and shall be as valid, and have the
same effect in all respects as if they were the origi-
nal equity dockets.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the cost of said
books shall be paid by the County Commissioners
for said county, and that the said Clerk shall be
paid for making said record and dockets out of the
surplus proceeds of his office; and if there be no
surplus, then the County Commissioners shall allow
him such compensation as they shall think fair and
reasonable, to be levied and collected as other coun-
ty charges now are, provided that said clerk shall
in no event receive more than the sum now allowed
him by the Constitution of this State, and should the
compensation allowed him by the County Commis-
sioners cause a surplus in the fees of his said office,
that then he shall pay over said excess or surplus
to the said County Commissioners to the extent of
said allowance.
Expenses of—
how paid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the day of its passage.
In force.