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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 20   View pdf image
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27, 1856.

AN ACT to authorize the Circuit Courts for the seve-
ral counties of this State and the Criminal Court of
Baltimore city to appoint assistant counsel for the
State to aid in the trial of criminal or other State
cases pending in said Courts; and to oblige the county
commissioners of the several counties and the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore to provide payment
for the services of such counsel.

to appoint

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Circuit Courts for the several coun-
ties in the State, and the Criminal Court of Baltimore
city, he, and they are hereby respectively authorised to
appoint assistant counsel for the State to aid in the trial
of criminal or other State cases now or hereafter pend-
ing in said Courts, whenever in the judgment of the
Court where any such case is pending the public inter-
est requires it.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the County Commis-
sioners of the several counties of the State and the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, be, and they are hereby
authorised and required to include in their respective ac-
counts of the public expenses such sum as, in their judg-
ment in the cases respectively chargeable to them, and in
which assistant counsel may be appointed as aforesaid,
will be an adequate compensation for the services ren-
dered by such assistant counsel, and to levy and pay



such sum to such assistant counsel; Provided, That the
sum to be levied, and paid for the services rendered in
any single case, shall not exceed one hundred dollars.


27, 1856.

AN ACT to authorise the payment of Bradley T. John-
son for professional services rendered to the State.

Sum ap-

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sum of one hundred dollars, be,

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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 20   View pdf image
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