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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 21   View pdf image
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and is hereby appropriated out of the balance in the
Treasury for the payment of Bradley T. Johnson for pro-
fessional services rendered as Attorney for the State at
the argument of the case of the State against Thomas
Flannigan before the Court of Appeals at the December
term of said Court eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and
that the Comptroller of the State be and is hereby autho-
rized and directed to grant a warrant for said sum to the
Treasurer, who shall thereupon pay the same to the said
Bradley T. Johnson.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.


In force.

AN ACT to authorise the Mayor and Councilmen of
the city of Cumberland to become a purchaser and
shareholder of the capital stock of the Pittsburg and
Connellsville Railroad Company; to issue bonds in
payment of said stock, and to provide by taxation for
the liquidation of said bonds.

27, 1856.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and Councilmen of the city
Cumberland be and they are hereby authorised to pur-
chase or subscribe for and hold shares of the capital
stock of the Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad Com-
pany not exceeding in amount three hundred thousand
dollars, upon condition, that the said Railroad Company
shall agree to take in exchange and payment for said
stock the bonds of the said city of Cumberland at their
par value, the said bonds to be interest, bearing and pay-
able (excepting the interest accruing thereon, which is
to be made payable semi-annually,) in thirty years from
their date, and not sooner, except at the option of the
said city of Cumberland: And upon the further condi-
tion, that the said Railroad Company shall make from
time to time sufficient appropriations in money to pay
the semi-annual instalments of interest accruing upon
said bonds, and that the appropriations so to be made
shall be treated and considered as the legitimate divi-

sed to hold
shares of
the capital

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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 21   View pdf image
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