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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 111   View pdf image
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original act, and thenceforward to proceed in the ex-
ecution of the duties of said office: Provided, never-
theless, that nothing herein contained shall prevent
said county commissioners from re-appointing any
of the existing trustees, if they in their discretion
shall deem it advisable and proper to do so.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the existing
trustees shall meet at the aforesaid Poor's House on
the first Monday of February, in the year eighteen
hundred and fifty-seven, and on the first Monday of
February in each and every year thereafter, and de-
liver over to their successors all books and papers
and all and singular the property belonging to the
aforesaid Poor's House, under the penalty of twenty
dollars each, to be recovered and applied as other
fines and forfeitures are directed to be recovered and
applied in the aforesaid original act, or the supple-
ments thereto, to be taken under the care and man-
agement of the said newly appointed trustees.


SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the trustees for
the poor to be appointed by virtue of this act shall
and may have, and they are hereby invested with all
the powers and authorities, and subject to all the pen-
alties for neglect of the duties of trustees for the poor
of said county, as are mentioned and declared in the
said original act, except the power of appointing new
trustees, or filling up casual vacancies in their own
board; and in all cases of vacancies happening by
non-acceptance, death, resignation, removal out of
the county, or disqualification of any of the said trus-
tees, the vacancies thereby occasioned shall be filled
up by said county commissioners at their first meet-
ing which shall be held thereafter.

Trustees in-
vested with au-

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said trus-
tees for the poor shall be and they are hereby author-
ised, empowered, and required at their meeting on
the first Monday of February, in the year eighteen
hundred and fifty-seven, and at their meeting on the
first Monday in February in each succeeding year
thereafter, to appoint some suitable and proper per-
son to be overseer or keeper of the Alms or Poor's
House and manager of the farm connected therewith,
from the first Monday of April succeeding, and to
remove such overseer or keeper and manager, at their
discretion, and to appoint another in his place and
stead at any time during the year, whenever in their
judgment the interests of the county shall require it ;
and they are hereby authorised and directed to allow

Trustees to
appoint over-

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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 111   View pdf image
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