Passed Mar.
6, 1856.
AN ACT to provide for the appointment of the trus-
tees for the Poor, by the County Commissioners
for Frederick county, for the appointment of Keep-
er of the Poor's House, by the trustees for the
Poor, and to specify their powers and duties.
County Com-
missioners au-
thorised and
required to ap-
point trustees.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the County Commissioners for
Frederick county shall be and they are hereby author-
ised and required, at their first meeting in January
next, and at their first meeting in the month of Janu-
ary in each succeeding year thereafter, to appoint five
discreet and proper persons, qualified agreeably to
the provisions of the act entitled "an act for the re-
lief of the poor within the several counties therein
mentioned," passed by the General Assembly of
Maryland, at its May session, seventeen hundred and
sixty-eight, chapter twenty-nine, and of the supple-
ments thereto, and of this act, to be the trustees for
the poor of the said county of Frederick, from and
after the first Monday of February in each and every
Duty of clerk
to the commis-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the clerk of said county commissioners,
within ten days after such appointment, and within
the like time after any future appointments to be
made in virtue of this act, to make out and deliver
to the sheriff of said county a certificate of the ap-
pointment of each of the trustees so appointed, or to
be appointed, endorsing one of said certificates for
each of them respectively, and said sheriff shall
within six days thereafter, deliver one of said certifi-
cates to each of said trustees respectively, and it
shall thereupon be the duty of the several trustees so
appointed and notified of such appointment, and who
shall accept thereof, under the penalty imposed by the
hereinbefore mentioned original act upon any person
appointed a trustee of the poor, in virtue of said act,
for wilfully refusing or delaying to take upon him the
duties of the said office, to meet on the said first
Monday of February next ensuing such appointment,
(except prevented by sickness or other unavoidable
accident, and in such case, as soon thereafter as the
disability is removed,) at the Poor's House of said
county, and qualify in the manner prescribed by said