such overseer or keeper and manager such salary or
compensation for his services as they shall deem rea-
sonable and just, and the said trustees shall take, and
the said overseer or keeper and manager shall, and
he is hereby required, before entering upon the dis-
charge of his duties, to enter into a bond, with secu-
rities to be approved by said trustees, in the penalty
of one thousand dollars, current money, payable to
the trustees for the poor aforesaid, conditioned as fol-
lows, to wit: "The condition of the above obligation
is such, that if the above bound A. B., as overseer or
keeper of the Alms or Poor's House in Frederick
county, and manager of the farm connected there-
with, shall well and truly discharge his duties in said
station, and more particularly according to the direc-
tions of the act of assembly, entitled, an act for the
relief of the poor within the several counties therein
mentioned, and the several supplements thereto, then
the above obligation to be void, otherwise to be and
remain in full force and virtue in law."
Statement of
accounts to be
SEC. 1. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the trustees for the poor to be appointed in
virtue of this act, under the penalty of fifty dollars
each, to be recovered and applied as hereinbefore
directed, to make out and render to said county com-
missioners, at their first meeting in January in each
year, a statement of their accounts and expenditures,
with the necessary vouchers, for the preceding year,
which accounts shall be settled and acted upon by
said county commissioners prior to the appointment
of trustees for the new year.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That all the meetings
of the said trustees for the poor shall beheld at the
Almshouse of said county, except such meetings as
may be necessary for the settlement of their accounts
with the county commissioners.
Treasurer to
be elected.
SEC. 9. And, be it enacted, That said trustees for
the poor shall be and they are hereby authorised and
required, at their first meeting in February in each
and every year, to elect or appoint one of their own
members as Treasurer of the trustees for the poor,
who shall be authorised and required to receive and
collect all sums of money appropriated for the use
and benefit of the Almshouse by the county commis-
sioners, and all sums of money arising from the sale
of the produce raised on the farm connected with
the Almshouse, or due or coming to said trustees
from any other source; and the said Treasurer shall,