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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 107   View pdf image
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AN ACT entitled an act to amend an act entitled
"An Act to incorporate the Mechanics' Exchange
and Savings Company for the purpose of making
loans, collection of notes and drafts, &c.," passed
January session, eighteen hundred and fifty-two,
allowing said institution the privileges embraced
under the act entitled an act to continue the cor-
porate existence of the several banking institutions
therein mentioned, passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter four hun-
dred and forty-one.

Passed Mar.
6, 1856.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the President and Directors of
of the Mechanics' Exchange and Savings Company,
with the consent and approbation of the depositors,
may convert the deposites of money which have been
made with said company, and which may be hereaf-
ter made, into capital stock of said company to the
extent of five hundred thousand dollars, and said
capital stock shall be divided into shares of the par
value of twenty-five dollars each.

Capital stock

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the President and
Directors of said company may cause books to be
opened at such times and places as they may think
proper, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions for
stock additional to stock that may as above be crea-
ted, and so soon as one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars shall have been paid into said company, in
gold and silver coin, as part of said capital stock,
and be so certified to the Treasurer of the State of
Maryland, by such persons as said Treasurer shall
appoint to ascertain and report said fact upon oath,
then the said corporation may assume and adopt the
name and style of the " Exchange Bank," and
under that name shall be entitled to all the rights
and powers, and subject to all the liabilities, restric-
tions and conditions that are contained in the law of
this State, passed at January session, eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-three, chapter four hundred and forty-
one, entitled an act to continue the corporate exist-
ence of the several banking institutions therein men-

Books to be

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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 107   View pdf image
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