340 Joint Resolutions
Whereas, In the opinion of the Committee on Taxation and Fiscal!
Matters and of the members of the General Assembly of Maryland,
a greater utilization of the sign shop facilities in State Use Industries
by the State Roads Commission would not only save money for the
Roads Commission but also would give this added opportunity for
useful employment on the part of inmates in the Penitentiary; now,
therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the State
Roads Commission be urged and requested to make greater use than
at present of the sign shop facilities operated and maintained by
State Use Industries in the Penitentiary.
No. 20
(House Joint Resolution 12)
House Joint Resolution requesting the Governor, the President of
the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Delegates to appoint,
a commission to study the advisability of creating the office of
State Fire Marshal.
Whereas, It is the duty of the Commissioner of Insurance, and of
certain persons to be appointed by him, to examine into the cases,,
circumstances and origin of all fires and suspected attempts to set,
fires within the State of Maryland; and
Whereas, The present Commissioner of Insurance has only seen
fit to appoint one deputy and two paid assistants to carry out the
duties and requirements of the Fire Investigation Bureau, as set.
forth in Article 48A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1951
Edition); and
Whereas, It is plainly apparent that the Fire Investigation Bureau,
as it is presently staffed and manned, cannot effectively perform the-
duties imposed upon it by the laws of Maryland; and
Whereas, In spite of the great increase in the growth and popu-
lation of the State of Maryland in recent years, the Commissioner
of Insurance has not deemed it necessary to increase the personnel
of his office, as required by Section 84 of Article 48A of the afore-
said Code, to carry out properly the mandatory requirements of the
law; and
Whereas, It is considered to be the best interest of the people of
the State of Maryland that a separate office of State Fire Marshal
be created to accomplish effectively the purposes for which the office
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.