amended by Chapter 252 of the Laws of 1953, title "Public Works",
sub-title "Roads, Bridges, Sidewalks and Storm Water Drainage",
to include "roads" within the terms and provisions of said section
pertaining to construction and financing of highway improvements.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 314 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Baltimore
County (1948 Edition), as amended by Chapter 252 of the Laws of
1953, title "Public Works", sub-title "Roads, Bridges, Sidewalks and
Storm Water Drainage" be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendments to read as follows:
314. (a) The Roads Engineer of Baltimore County is hereby au-
thorized and empowered to order, require and direct the owner of any
ground bounding on any of the roads, highways, streets, avenues, or
alleys in Baltimore County to grade, lay out, dig down, fill up, pave,
repave, construct, reconstruct, repair, extend, widen, straighten and
improve roads, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and footways in accordance
with such reasonable plans and specifications as may be required by
said Roads Engineer. Any work required of a property owner shall
be done at the expense of the property owner after receipt of notice
from the Roads Engineer to perform said work. Such notice shall
specify the work to be done with reference to roads, curbs, gutters,
sidewalks and footways, the manner of doing said work and the
materials to be used therein. The notice of aforesaid shall be given
or served on the owner of the lot along whose boundaries work is
required to be done on, in or about a road, curb, gutter, footway or
sidewalk in any one of the following manners, viz: The said order or
a copy thereof may be served personally on the owner thereof, any
tenant of the property, or any agent, trustee or guardian of the
owner, or left at his place of residence, or a copy of such order may be
published once a week for two successive weeks in one or more news-
papers published in Baltimore County. Any notice served or pub-
lished in any of the modes aforesaid shall be deemed and taken as
legally sufficient and binding. Any person feeling aggrieved by the
terms and conditions of such notice may apply to the County Com-
missioners of Baltimore County for a hearing with reference thereto,
and shall be given an opportunity to be heard in connection with
same. At such hearing the Commissioners may revise, alter, affirm
or rescind the direction of the Roads Engineer, in whole or in part,
and their decision shall be final.
Upon the failure of a property owner to comply with any notice,
within the time limited in said notice, which shall be not less than
twenty days from the date of service or from the date of first publica-
tion, the Roads Engineer by and with the consent of the County Com-
missioners, may procure the performance of such work either with
his own force or by contract. The cost and expense of such work,
including the cost of giving any notice, shall be certified to the
County Treasurer by the County Commissioners, shall be a lien on
said property in the same manner as taxes; and shall be collectible
in the manner provided by law for the collection of taxes, except that
such charges and assessments are benefit charges and shall not be
subject to any limitation.
The Commissioners may by appropriate order, upon application,
provide for the payment of any assessment in annual installments
not exceeding five in number, on such terms and conditions as may b«