title "Sabbath Breaking", said new section to be known as Section
609A and to follow immediately after Section 609 thereof, relating
to the exhibition of baseball and motion pictures in Worcester
County at certain times on Sunday, except for Ocean City in the
case of motion pictures, and providing for a referendum.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a new section be and it is hereby added to Article 27 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1951 Edition), title "Crimes and
Punishments", sub-title "Sabbath Breaking", said new section to be
known as Section 609A, to follow immediately after Section 609
thereof, and to read as follows:
609A. Nothing contained in Sections 578 and 605 of this Article
shall be construed to prohibit or make unlawful the exhibition within
Worcester County of baseball and motion pictures betiveen the hours
of 2.00 P.M. and 6.00 P. M. and 9.00 P. M. and Midnight on the first
day of the week, commonly called Sunday, whether the same be ex-
hibited with or ivithout a charge or admission fee; provided, how-
ever, that all baseball and motion pictures exhibited shall be subject
to all provisions of law relating to licensing and censorship applicable
to baseball and motion picture exhibitions on week days. The work
or employment of any operator, ticket seller or any other employees
or attendants in connection with any such exhibition of baseball and
motion pictures shall not be unlaivful because performed on Sundays.
Any exhibition of motion pictures and baseball on Sundays, except as
hereby authorized, shall be unlawful and subject to the provisions
and penalties of said Sections 578 and 605 of this Article. Nothing
in this section shall be construed to affect or change the existing law
concerning the exhibition of motion pictures in Ocean City on Sun-
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That Section 609A of this Act
shall not become effective until it has been submitted for adop-
tion or rejection to the qualified voters of Worcester County. At the
next general or special election held in Worcester County, there
shall be submitted to the regular and qualified voters of Worcester
County the question whether the exhibition of baseball and motion
pictures on Sundays shall be authorized, as provided by Section
609A. The County Commissioners of Worcester County shall cause
to be printed on the ballots to be used at said election the title of
this Act, and underneath said title on separate lines a square or box
to the right of and opposite the words "for baseball and motion
pictures on Sunday", and a corresponding square or box to the right
of and opposite the words "Against baseball and motion pictures on
Sunday", so that the said voters shall be able to designate by a cross
mark in the proper square or, box his or her decision for or against
baseball and motion pictures on Sunday.
If a majority of the votes cast at said election in Worcester
County on said question shall be for baseball and motion pictures
on Sunday, then Section 609A of this Act shall automatically become
effective in said County. If a majority of the votes cast in said County
on said question shall be against baseball and motion pictures on
Sunday, then Section 609A shall not become effective in said Counts/.