Beginning for the same at the point of intersection of the present
boundary of the Washington Suburban Sanitary District with the
east line of the property of Robert K. Maddox, et al, said east line
being the fifth line of a deed from Howard G. England, et al, to
Carrie E. Clarke, dated April 26,1920, and recorded among the Land
Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, in Liber 294 at folio 54,
and running thence in a northerly and southwesterly direction, re-
versely with and along the fifth, fourth, third and second lines of the
aforesaid deed from Howard G. England, et al, to Carrie E. Clark
to the end of the fiftieth line of Parcel One of a deed from the Real
Estate Trust Company of Philadelphia, Executors and Trustees, to
J. B. Shapiro, dated July 28,1953, and recorded among the aforesaid
Land Records in Liber 1827 at folio 82, thence in a southerly and
westerly direction, reversely with and along the fiftieth, forty-ninth,
forty-eighth and forty-seventh lines of the aforesaid deed from The
Real Estate Trust Company of Philadelphia, Executors and Trustees,
to J. B. Shapiro, to the center of Avery Road, thence in a northerly
direction with the center of said Avery Road, to the northeast corner
of the property of James Alexander Lyon, et al, Trustees, said north-
east corner being the end of the sixth line of a deed from Jane A.
Walter, unmarried, to Emma J. Walter, dated April 6, 1915 and
recorded among the aforesaid Land Records in Liber 250 at folio 9,
thence in a westerly direction, reversely with and along said sixth
line of the aforesaid deed from Jane A. Walter, unmarried, to Emma
J. Walter, to the beginning thereof, thence in a northerly direction
across the property of Eleanor S. Nagel, et vir, in a straight line
to the end of the fourth line of a deed from C. A. C. Higgins, et al,
to David H. Homer, et al, dated May 28, 1877, and recorded among
the aforesaid Land Records in Liber E. B. P. 16 at folio 420, thence
in a northerly direction, reversely with and along the fourth, third
and second lines of the aforesaid deed from C. A. C. Higgins, et al,
to David H. Homer, et al, to the end of the second line of the property
of Walter Pack, as described in a Mortgage from Walter Pack to the
Savings Institution of Sandy Springs, Maryland, dated November
1,1926 and recorded among the aforesaid Land Records in Liber 416
at folio 235, thence in a northerly direction, reversely with and along
the second and first lines of the property of Walter Pack, as described
in the aforesaid Mortgage, to the northwest corner of said property,
said northwest corner being the end of the fourth line of the second
parcel described in a deed from John W. Brawner, et ux, to Charles
W. Fields, dated September 26, 1902, and recorded among the afore-
said Land Records in Liber TD 24 at folio 11, thence along the north-
east lines of the property of A. Gude Sons Company, in a north-
westerly direction and reversely with and along the fourth and third
lines of the aforesaid second parcel of the deed from John W.
Brawner, et ux, to Charles W. Fields, to the end of the third line of
the second parcel described in a deed from John W. Brawner, et ux,
to Henry C. Fields, et al, dated September 26, 1902, and recorded
among the aforesaid Land Records in Liber TD 24 at folio 13, thence
in a northwesterly and a southwesterly direction, reversely with and
along the third and second lines of the aforesaid second parcel of
the deed from John W. Brawner, et ux, to Henry C. Fields, to the
end of the ninth line of a deed from Margaret J. Beall to George W.
C. Beall, dated January 1, 1883, and recorded among the aforesaid
Land Records in Liber E. B. P. 28 at folio 92, thence along the west