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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1169   View pdf image (33K)
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THEODORE R. McKELDIN, GOVERNOR                   1169

Weems Creek, easterly for a distance of approximately 5800 feet to
the center of the draw of the state highway bridge crossing Weems
Creek at Revell Street; thence still with the center line of Weems
Creek in a general northeasterly direction approximately 3600 feet
to the mouth of Weems Creek; thence still northeasterly and with the
waters of the Severn River, approximately 1300 feet to a point distant
north 31400 feet east 24000 feet from the aforementioned origin of
coordinates; thence southeasterly with the waters of the Severn River
to a point on the line of the face of the bulkhead along the south-
easterly side of the Naval Academy, produced northeasterly, and
distant 1300 feet from the easterly corner of said bulkhead; thence
southwesterly with said produced line and with said face of bulkhead
to coordinate point number 10440 at the intersection of the line of
the southwest face of the Naval Academy wall on King George Street
with the said face of bulkhead, the coordinates of said point being
north 22261.57 east 28494.74; thence northeasterly straight across the
Severn River to the outer corner of the long wharf at the United
States Light House Depot (Old fort Madison); and thence in a
straight line southwesterly to the place of beginning. All bearings are
referred to the true meridian at the origin of coordinates.

303B. (Description of district seven.) Beginning for the same at
the end of the second course in the description of District No. 1,
said point being in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay on the Anne
Queen Anne's County line; and running from thence and
with said county line and the Talbot County line in a southerly direc-
tion 6.65 miles; thence leaving said County line and running in a
westerly course, 5.7 miles to a point in the mouth of Rockhold Creek
which is .25, miles southeast of a point of land at Owings Beach;
thence with the middle of Rockhold Creek, in a northwesterly direction
0.8 miles to where the mouth of Tracey's Creek enters same; thence
with the middle of Tracey's Creek in a northerly direction, 1.2 miles to
where the Crck
CREEK takes a sudden turn to the West; thence still
with the middle of the Creek, 0.4 miles to where said creek intersects
the center line of the County Road leading from Nutwell to Sudley;
thence with the center line of said County Road, 2.5 miles, northerly,
to intersect the south boundary of District No. 1; thence with a farm
and a private road in a northeasterly direction, 1.25 miles to where
said private road intersects the center line of Maryland Route 255

468; thence with the same, in a northerly and northeasterly direction,
0.4 miles to where the center line of said road intersects the middle of
Smiths Creek; thence with the middle of Smiths Creek, 1.1 miles in a
southeasterly direction, to where it enters West River; thence with
the middle of West River, in a northeasterly direction, 3.2 miles to
a point in a line drawn between Dutchman's Point and Curtis Point,
0.6 miles from Dutchman's Point; thence in an easterly direction, 4
miles to the place of beginning.

303C. (Description of district eight.) Beginning for the same at
the end of the first line of the description of District No. 7; and run-
ning from thence, leaving said county line, in a westerly direction, 5.7
miles to a point in the mouth of Rockhold Creek, 0.25 miles south-
east of a point of land at Owings Beach; thence with the middle of
Rockhold Creek, in a northwesterly direction, 0.8 miles to where the
mouth of Tracey's Creek enters same; thence with the middle of
Tracey's Creek, in a northerly direction, 1.2 miles to where the creek


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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1169   View pdf image (33K)
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