now paved 18 feet wide; thence north 2°17'10" west 206.52 feet to a
cross cut in the aforesaid Spa Road paving; thence leaving said Spa
Road and running north 49° 07'40" west 751.50 feet to a concrete
monument number 11047; thence north 48° 3 5'30" west 19845 feet to
a concrete monument number 11048; thence north 18°26'20" west
258.54 feet to the approximate center line of an existing private road;
thence north 70° 46'10" west 140.50 feet to a concrete monument
number 11848; thence north 22°1150" west 451.94 feet to a concrete
monumenit number 11347; thence north 31°03'30" west 350.54 feet
to a concrete monument number 11346 set in the approximate center
line of Chinquapin Round Road; thence with the said Chinquapin
Round Road north 60°16'20" west 338.09 feet; thence north 46°37'30"
west 444-02 feet; thence north 42°00'40" west 617.65 feet to a concrete
monument number 11343 set near the south of aforementioned Chin-
quapin Round Road; thence leaving said Chinquapin Round Road, and
running north 77°53'50" west 888.08 feet to a concrete monument
number 11342 set on the northwest side of an existing private road;
thence north 74°53' west 786.50 feet to a concrete monument number
11341; thence north 56°37'40" west 1074-25 feet to a concrete monu-
ment number 11340 set on the north side of an existing private road;
thence north 37°52'50" east 13.88 feet to coordinate point number
12235; thence south 87°43'20" west 1467.12 feet approximately par-
allel with 40-foot wide fairfax Road and distant 275 feet southerly
from the southerly side thereof, to a concrete monument number
12229; thence north 2°34/30" west 500 feet to a concrete monument
number 12231; thence continuing north 2°34'30" west 222.64 feet to
the site of a proposed concrete monument at coordinate point number
12258; thence north 53°37'20" west 1601.85 feet, crossing the Annap-
olis-Edgewater State Road to the site of a proposed concrete monu-
ment at coordinate point number 12259; thence north 37°09'15" east
1897.77 feet to a coordinate point number 12260, now occupied by an
iron fence post at the southwest corner of the wire fence enclosure
on land leased by the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company;
thence with the rear fence of said enclosure and continuing part of the
easterly line of property belonging to Arthur M. Benchoff and wife
north 30°22'"55" east 494-65 feet to coordinate point number 12261
on the south side of the Defense Highway; thence crossing said high-
way north 60°14'10" east 140.46 feet to the northwest corner of the
Defense Highway and Hudson Street, being coordinate point number
12262; thence with the West side of Hudson Street north 17°32'55"
east 125 feet to the coordinate point number 12263; thence north
23°19'55" east 246 feet to coordinate point number 12264; thence
leaving Hudson Street and running south 71 °30'40" east 956.66 feet
to the northwest corner of lot number 5 of the Parker Subdivision at
coordinate point number 12265; thence with the westerly side of
said subdivision and continuing on to Admiral Drive (Cowhide Branch
Road) north 38°17'25" east 2169.79 feet to coordinate point number
12266 located in the approximate center of said drive; thence with the
approximate center line of Cowhide Branch Road North 31°52'30"
west 242.11 feet to coordinate point number 11115; thence continuing
along said road north 24°47'00" west 252.31 feet to concrete monu-
ment number 11118 located on the westerly side of said road; thence
leaving said road and running north 61°24'00" east 236.41 feet to
concrete monument number 11119 located at the edge of the marsh
at the head of Weems Creek; thence following the center line of