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Session Laws, 1812
Volume 618, Page 84   View pdf image
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tion they shall be governed by the average of the
clear income and profits arising from the tolls of the
two years next preceding such reduction.

Penalty for
not publishing
dividends and
reporting to
the legislature.

22. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case
the said president and directors, shall not comply
with the provisions of this act, in publishing an ac-
count of their expenditures and net proceeds semi-
annually, and also in laying before the legislature
every two years after the completing said road as
aforesaid, a statement upon oath, of their capitol ex-
pended, and the profits arising from the same, they
shall forfeit and pay, for each neglect, the sum of
two hundred dollars.

of offences
created by
this act.

23. And for the punishment of all offences created
by this act, and committed by the corporation or their
agents, BE IT ENACTED, That prosecutions by
actions shall be carried on and prosecuted against
the said president in the county court of the county in
which the said president shall reside; and all lines
or forfeitures imposed by this act, which may affect
other persons, shall be recovered by indictment
against the party offending in the county court of
the county in which he or she shall reside; and the
same when so received, shall be paid to the State or
to such person or persons to whose use the same are
by this act appointed; and if any person shall refuse
to pay the toll or tolls imposed by this act, at the
respective places at which they may be demanded by
law, or shall evade the payment thereof, by going
round the toll gates, such toll shall be recovered by
warrant, issued by any justice of the peace of the
county in which the payment of such toll may be de-
manded by virtue of this act, or of the county in
which such person shall reside, and all such justices
are hereby authorised and required to issue such
warrants on the application of the said president and
directors, or their agents or toll receivers, and to
hear and determine the said complaint, and to pass
judgment and award execution thereon, in the same
manner as they are authorised to proceed in other
cases by the act entitled, " An act for the speedy re-
covery of small debts out of court, and to repeal the
acts of assembly therein mentioned.

may lessen


24. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said
proprietors, or a majority of them, holding at least
five hundred shares, shall have full power, at any
general meeting, to lessen said tolls, or to determine
what article shall pass free of tollage.

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Session Laws, 1812
Volume 618, Page 84   View pdf image
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