same will be paid, and shall cause the same to be paid
19. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the presi-
dent and directors shall, at the end of every third
year after the choice of the first directors as afore-
said, until the years next after the whole road shall
be completed, and every second year thereafter, lay
before the General Assembly of this State, an ab-
stract of their accounts, shewing the whole amount
of their capital expended in prosecution of the said
work, and of the profits and income arising from
said toll for and during the said respective periods,
together with an exact account of the costs and
charges, to the end that the clear annual income and
profits thereof may be ascertained and known; and
if at the end of two years after the said road shall be
completed from the beginning to the end thereof, it
shall appear, from the average profits of the said two
years, that the said income and profits thereof will
not bear a dividend often per centum per annum
on the whole capital stock of the said company so
expended, then it shall and may be lawful to and
for the said president and directors to increase the
tolls herein allowed so much upon each and every
allowance thereof as will raise the dividend up to ten
per centum per annum, in which increase they shall
be regulated by the net profits of the preceding year.
An abstract
of accounts
shall be laid
before the le-
20. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case the
said tolls, as hereby first established, shall, in any one
year from and after the term of two years after the
completion of the said road, exceed in net profits the
sum of ten per centum per annum, then the legisla-
ture may, at any subsequent session, and from time
may reduce
to time reduce the said tolls: Provided, That when
thus reduced, they shall not yield in net profits a less
sum than ten per centum; and in making such reduc-
tion they shall be governed by the average of the
clear income and profits arising from the tolls of the
two years next preceding such reduction.
21. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case the
tolls should be increased by the said president and
directors, by virtue of the authority herein before
given them, and when so increased they shall exceed
in net profits the sum of ten per centum per annum,
that then and in such case the legislature may at any
subsequent session, and from time to time, reduce
the said tolls: Provided, That when thus reduced
they shall not yield in net profits, a less sum than ten
per centum per annum; and in making such reduc-