25. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no waggon
or other carrige with four wheels, the breadth of
whose wheels shall not be four inches, shall be drawn
along the said road with a greater weight thereon
than three tons; that no such carriage, the breath of
whose wheels shall not be seven inches, or being six
inches or more shall not roll at least ten inches, shall
be drawn along the said road with more than five
tons; that no such carriage, the breadth of whose
wheels shall not be ten inches or more, or being less
shall not roll at least twelve inches, shall be drawn
along the said road with more than eight tons; that
no cast or other carriage with two wheels, the same
breath of wheels as the waggon aforesaid, shall be
drawn along the said road with more than half the
burthen aforesaid; and if any cart, waggon, or car-
riage of burthen whatsoever, shall be drawn along
the said road with a greater weight than is hereby
allowed, the owner or owners of such carriage, if
the excess of burthen shall be greater than three
hundred weight, shall forfeit and pay four times the
Weights to
be drawn.
customary tolls for the use of the company: Provi-
ded always, That it shall and may be lawful for the
said company, by their by-laws, to alter any and all the
regulations herein contained, respecting the burthens
on carriages to be drawn over the said road, and to
substitute other regulations, if upon experiment
such alterations shall be found conducive to the pub-
lic good: Provided nevertheless, That such regula-
tions shall not lessen the burthens of carriages above
26. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said
company, after the said road be completed as afore-
said, shall neglect to keep the said road in good and per-
fect order for the space of fifteen days, and information
shall be given to any justice of the peace within the
county, such justice shall issue a precept, to be di-
rected to any constable within the county, command-
ing him to summon five disinterested persons, to be
named by the said justice in the said precept, to meet
at a certain time, in the said precept to be mentioned,
at the place in the said. road which shall be complain-
ed of, of which meeting notice shall be given to the
keeper of the gate or turnpike nearest thereto; and
the said justice shall at such time and place, on the
oaths or affirmations of the said persons, enquire
whether the said roads, or any part thereof, is in
such good and perfect order and repair as aforesaid,
and shall cause an inquisition to be made and certifi-
Road to be
kept in repair
—penalty for
neglect— how
to be recover-