erty, real and personal, within the limits of the said
town, to be made and returned from time to time by
some skilful and discreet person to be appointed and
qualified by them for such occasion; and, (whenever
it shall be deemed necessary for any purpose advan-
tageous to the town by a majority of the voters to be
summoned and assembled as aforesaid, ) to impose
and levy on the property so directed to be assessed
and valued, any sum or sums of money, in equal and
fair proportions, (provided the money so to be im-
posed and levied shall not exceed in any one year the
rate of one dollar for every hundred pounds of prop-
erty. according to such respective assessments and va-
nation, and in the same proportion upon every great-
er or smaller share of property; ) to appoint and quali-
fy an active and discreet person annually, to be the
bailiff of the said town, and to give him such directions
in the execution. of his office as shall be necessary to
accomplish the intentions of this act; to pay their clerk
and the bailiff of the said town respectively, a reasonable
allowance for their services, to be rated by the said cons-
missioners on the property aforesaid, by equal assess-
ments; and generally to order and promote such re-
gulations and improvements for the benefit and advan-
tage of the said town, as the said commissioners or the
inhabitants thereof shall determine to be necessary.
Persons ag-
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any person or
persons who may think him, her or themselves ag-
grieved by the valuation of the said assessor, may
at any time within six weeks after the completion and
return of said assessment, appeal to the said commis-
sioners, who may thereupon and in all cases where
they shall judge the valuation of such assessor to be
unequal, make such alteration therein as to them shall
seem just and reasonable.
Bailiff— when
to be appoint-
ed—he shall
take an oath —
his duties.
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the bailiff of
the said town shall be appointed annually on the first
Monday in May; and before he shall proceed to exe-
cute his office, he shall take an oath or affirmation be-
fore the said commissioners, or any one of them, that
he will faithfully and impartially perform the duties
required of him as bailiff of the said town by this act,
according to the best of his skill and judgment, and
without favour affection or prejudice; and the duties of
the said bailiff shall be to attend the meetings of the said
commissioners whenever he shall be required, to per-
form such services for more effectually accomplishing
the objects of this act as shall be directed by the said
commissioners; to prevent the tumultuous and irregu-