lar meeting of slaves, negroes, and other dissolute and
disorderly persons within the limits of the said town, or
if so assembled, to disperse them by reasonable and
lawful means, and to punish with moderate correction,
under such rules and regulations as shall be prescrib-
ed by the said commissioners, all such negro and
other slaves as shall be found wandering or strolling
about the streets in the night time, or frequenting the
houses of other persons in the said town, without the
permission or consent of their masters mistresses or
An act authorising a Lottery to raise a sum of mo-
ney to purchase a lot of ground in Coxe's-Town,
in Baltimore county, and to erect a building there-
on, to be used as a School-house and Meeting-
Passed Dec.
15, 1812.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That John Murray, Junr. John
Nace, Richard Richards, John Fouble, (of Jacob, )
Michael Armongost, William Murray and Jacob
Henestophel, or a majority of them, be, and they are
hereby authorised to propose a scheme of a lottery,
and to sell and dispose of tickets therein, for raising a
sum of money not exceeding eighteen hundred dol-
lars, to be appropriated to purchase a lot of ground
in Coxe's-Town, in Baltimore county, and to erect a
building thereon, to be used as a School-house and
Meeting house.
A scheme
may be propo-
sed and tickets
disposed of.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the
said John Murray, Junr. John Nace, Richard Rich-
ards, John Fouble, (of Jacob, ) Michael Armongost,
William Murray and Jacob Henestophel, proceed to
make sale of any ticket or tickets in the said lottery,
they shall give and execute a bond to the State of Ma-
ryland, in. the penalty of three thousand six hundred
dollars, conditioned, that they will well and truly con-
duet the drawing of said lottery, and apply the money
arising therefrom, within six months after the drawing
thereof, to the payment of the prizes drawn therein,
to the adventurers to whom they shall be due, and
to the necessary expenses incurred in the manage-
ment thereof, and the residue to the purchasing a. lot
of ground in Coxe's-Town, in Baltimore county, and
to the erecting a building thereon, to be used as a
School-house and Meeting-house.
shall give