6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com -
missioners, or the major part of them, shall meet to-
gether at such public place within the limits of the
said town, as shall be previously notified, on the first
Monday in every third month thereafter, and as much
oftener by adjournment's they shall judge to be neces-
sary; and when so assembled, the said commission-
ers, or the major part of them, shall proceed to exe-
cute the several powers and authorities vested in them
by this act, from time to time as occasion may re-
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners shall be, and they are hereby authorised,
empowered and required to meet as aforesaid, and
from time to time to recommend such plans and regula-
tions as they shall judge necessary for the removal of nui-
sances which now exist, or which may hereafter be
erected in said town for the prevention of geese and
swine from going at large in said town; and to recom-
mend such plans and regulations as will advance the
health, convenience and cleanliness of the inhabitants
thereof, and to adopt the same (provided a majority
of the persons entitled to vote for commissioners at a
meeting to be called, shall agree thereto; ) to cause to
be removed all nuisances and obstructions that may
interrupt the passage of the said inhabitants or others,
in the streets, lanes and alleys of the said town; to
cause the principal or other streets to be repaired
and improved whenever a majority of the said inhab-
itants shall reasonably require the same to be done,
and sufficient sums' of money can be raised, by sub-
scription or otherwise, for this salutary purpose; to
cause the inhabitants and others entitled to vote for
commissioners according to this act, to be and con-
tinue registered, and to make such alterations in the
register thereof from time to time, as the increasing
number of inhabitants or other changing circumstan-
ces shall render necessary to appoint and qualify a
clerk, whose duty it shall be to keep fair and faithful
minutes of their proceedings in proper and well bound
books to be provided by them for that purpose, and
to be subject to the inspection and examination of the
inhabitants of the said town, and all persons who may
be concerned; to cause the persons entitled to vote as
aforesaid to be summoned by public advertisement to
meet at some certain time and place within the limits
of the said town, whenever their sentiments may be re-
quisite upon any extraordinary occasion; to cause a
just and lair assessment and valuation of all the prop-
&c. — general
powers of the