missioners shall appoint in the said town, by the in-
habitants and others qualified to vote, as aforesaid, on
the second Monday of March in every year; and the
persons so elected shall remain in office for the term of
live years; and the succession of the said commis-
sioners be so continued as that two commissioners
shall be chosen annually.
Judges of elec-
tions— who
shall be — they
shall take an
oath before
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any justice
of the peace for Worcester county, shall in the first in-
stance be the judge of the said election, and shall re-
turn his certificate thereof, to the said commission-
ers, on the day first appointed for their meeting; and
the same shall be filed and recorded among their pro-
ceedings; and at every subsequent election, the com-
missioners of the said town, or the major part of them,
shall be judges of such election, and the proceedings
thereof shall be recorded under their direction; and
every commissioner before he shall proceed to
open an ejection, shall take an oath or affirmation that
he will faithfully and impartially permit every person
to vote at such election, who shall be qualified to vote
fora commissioner of said town, according to the direc-
tions of this act; and that he will not suffer any per-
son to vote at such election who shall not, in his judg-
ment, be qualified to vote as aforesaid.
Vacancies by
death, &c. —
how to be sup-
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any va-
cancy shall happen in the office of one or more of the
commissioners, by death, resignation, removal or
otherwise, it shall be lawful for the remaining com-
missioners, and they are hereby required to cause an
election to be made at such place as they shall appoint
in the said town, by the inhabitants thereof, and
others qualified to vote as aforesaid, of one or more
judicious and discreet persons, resident and qualified
as aforesaid, to supply such vacancy during the re-
mainder of the term; and the time of holding such in-
tervening election shall be previously notified for the
space often days proceeding the election.
ers shall take
an oath — oath
shall he re-
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every com-
missioner to be appointed in pursuance of this act, be-
fore he shall proceed to execute his office, shall take
an oath or affirmation before some justice of the peace
that he will diligently and faithfully, according to the
best of his judgment, perform the duties of a commis-
sioner of the said town, according to the directions of
this act, without favour, partiality or prejudice; and a
certificate of such qualification shall be made and re-
turned by such justice of the peace, to the said com-
missioners, to be filed and recorded among their pro-