in the same penalty, and on the same terms and con-
ditions as is prescribed in the aforesaid act for the
commissioners of Kent and Queen Ann's county; and
the monies arising from said Lottery shall be applied
agreeably to the provisions of the said act.
Passed Dec.
14, 1812
An act to lay out and make public a road therein
mentioned in Cecil county.
WHEREAS, Sundry respectable inhabitants of Ce-
cil county, have preferred a petition to this general as-
sembly, praying that a road may be opened and laid
out in said county, and the prayer of the petitioners
appearing reasonable: Therefore,
ers — they are
required to lay
out said road
— its width
and direction.
SEC 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Samuel Hayes, John Pitt-
ner, John Gibbons, Levi Tyson and William Hol-
lingsworth Junr. be, and they are hereby appointed
commissioners for the purposes of this act; and that
they, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised and
required to survey and lay out a waggon road, not ex-
ceeding forty feet in width, beginning on the public road
leading from Elkton to New London cross roads, at
or near a school house called Union school-house, in
New Minister, thence running northwardly until it in-
tersects the Pennsylvania line, near the lane leading
from the dwelling house of John Jordon, and in a div-
rection for Septamas Evans's lime-kilns in Pennsylva-
nia: Provided always, That the said road shall not be
made to pass through the buildings, yards, gardens or
orchards, of any person without the consent of the
owner or owners thereof.
Duty of com-
missioners —
expense to be
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of the commissioners aforesaid, on or before the
first day of May next, to cause a plot and certificate of
said road to be made, and return the same to the levy
court of Cecil county at their first sitting thereafter,
whereupon it shall and may be lawful for the levy
court of said county, to levy upon the assessable prop-
ertyof the said county, a sum of money, such as they
may deem necessary, and to appoint an overseer to
open and clear said road, agreeably to the plot and
certificate aforesaid; and the said road, when opened
and cleared as aforesaid, shall be, and the same is here-
by declared to be, forever thereafter, a public road, and
shall be kept in repair as other public roads in said
county. '. •