cause, to assess and levy on the assessable property of
said county, a sum. of money not exceeding forty dol-
lars, for the support and maintenance of the said Hen-
ry Leeke, and that the same be collected annually by
the collector of Montgomery county, and by him paid
to the said Henry Leeke, or his order.
— to whom to
be paid.
A further supplement to "An act to incorporate a
Company for erecting a Bridge over Chester Riv-
er, at Chester-town. "
Passed Dec.
12, 1812.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General
Assembly that the commissioners appointed for erect-
ing- a Bridge over Chester River, at Chester-town,
have agreeably to the provisions of an act of Assembly,
passed at November session in the year one thousand
eight hundred and eight, entitled, "An additional
supplement to the act to incorporate a Company for
erecting a Bridge over Chester River, at Chester-
town, '' proposed a scheme of. a Lottery, to raise ten
thousand dollars, to be. applied towards erecting said
Bridge, and have found it impracticable to sell and. dis-
pose -of said tickets, and have prayed that they may
be permitted to propose a scheme and draw the Lotte-
ry in the city of Baltimore: And whereas, It is desira-
ble, to encourage such public Improvements: There-
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Joseph H. Nicholson,
John Hollins, Benjamin Ricaud, Henry W. Dinsmore,
John Swan, Samuel Briscoe, Solomon Betts, Isaac
Purnell, Richard Frisby and John Wallis, be and they
are hereby appointed commissioners, who, or a ma-
jority of them, in conjunction with the commissioners
of Kent and Queen Ann's county, be and they are
hereby authorised to propose. a scheme of a Lottery,
agreeably to the provisions of the last recited act, to
raise the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, clear of all
expences, to be applied towards erecting said bridge,
as by said act is directed and provided, and to draw
the same in the city of Baltimore, without being sub-
ject to pay any charge or tax to the city of Baltimore,
any law or ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding.
ers — they may
propose a
scheme of a
lottery —
where to be
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners appointed in the city of Baltimore, shall
give bond to the state of Maryland, (which Bond shall
be recorded in the clerk's office of Baltimore county, )
ers to give