ner and at such times as they may see convenient,
giving at least thirty days notice, in some of the
news-papers in the city of Baltimore, and in the
town of Frederick, of their intention, which compa-
ny when filled up shall be called and known by the
name of the Frederick-Town and Harper's Ferry
Turnpike Company, " and shall have all the privile-
ges immunitions and emoluments which are given to
the Baltimore and Frederick Town turnpike compa-
ny, in choosing their president, treasurer, and mana-
gers, in fixing their toil gates, and in all other mat-
ters and concerns whatsoever; and then in this case
the Baltimore and Frederick-Town turnpike compa-
nay are required and directed to pay over to the or-
der of the president of the Frederick -Town and
Harper's Ferry turnpike company, all the monies
which may have been raised and deposited with
their treasurer. in virtue of this act, which shall be
applied to the purpose of making the turnpike road
from Frederick-Town to Harper's Ferry, and given
exclusively to the use and benefit of said company;
Passed Dec. 1
4, 1812.
An act for the benefit of John Allen, of Cecil county.
WHEREAS, It is. represented to this General As-
sembly, by the petition of John Allen of Cecil coun-
ty, that he has built at a very considerable expence,
a wharf, adjoining to his lot number twenty-seven,
in Frederick Town, and extending into the Sassa-
fras River, and it appearing equitable and right that
the said Allen should have and enjoy the exclusive
right to said wharf: Therefore,
Right to said
wharf con-
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland. That the said John Allen shall have, use,
occupy, possess, and enjoy the exclusive right of,
and property in the said wharf, free from the hinder-
ance or molestation of any person whatsoever, any
law usage or custom to the contrary, in anywise not-
Passed Dec.
14, 1812.
Levy court
may assess a
sum for his
An act for the support of Henry Leeke, of Montgom-
ery county
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of Mont-
gomery county shall be, & they are hereby empowered,
at their levy court annually, so long as they shall see