shall place the money raised by such lottery. or lot-
teries, in the hands of the treasurer of the Baltimore
and Frederick Town turnpike road company, to be
applied by the said company to the paving of the
said road from Frederick-town to Harper's Ferry:
Provided, The said company will advance all other
necessary sums to complete the said road agreeably
to an act of Assembly passed in the year of out
lord eighteen hundred and nine, entitled, "A supple-
ment to an act entitled, An act to incorporate com-
panies to make several turnpike roads through Balti-
more county, and for other purposes, " giving to the
company the privilege to turnpike the said road;
that then, and in that case the said Baltimore and
Frederick-Town turnpike road company, shall be
entitled to all the privileges, emoluments, and advan-
tages given to them by the above recited act of as-
a. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be
the duty of the said commissioners before they act
as such, to lodge the bond entered into as aforesaid,
in the clerk's office of Frederick county, there to be
recorded; and upon such bond or any office copy
thereof, suit or suits may be instituted against the obli-
gors therein, or any of them or their legal represen-
tatives for any breach or non-compliance with the
conditions of the same.
Duty of the
ers before they
act as such —
suits may be
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the com-
missioners be, and they, or any person or persons
appointed by them, are hereby authorised to dispose
of and sell all or any of the tickets of said lottery
or lotteries in any part of the State, and in the city
of Baltimore, exclusive of any control of the same,
by the corporation of the city of Baltimore, any
ers or persons
appointed by
them may sell
law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the Balti-
more and Frederick Town turnpike road company,
who, at this time have the exclusive privilege of
making the turnpike road from Frederick-Town to
Harper's Ferry, shall refuse to undertake in six
months, or neglect to complete and finish the said
road in two years after the drawing of the said lot-
tery or lotteries, and after the money so as aforesaid
raised for the purpose of this act, being lodged with
the Treasurer of the said company; that then and
in that case, it may and shall be lawful for the com-
missioners, or the survivor or survivors of them, to
open books for the remainder of the stock which
may he required to complete the road in such man-
road company
refusing or
neglecting to
complete said
road within a
limited time
ers or survey-
ors may open
books for any
stock requires
— such sub-
scribers in-
and invested
with authori-