In favor of
John Kean, jr.
late Sheriff of
Harford coun-
Passed Dec.
30, 1812.
Relative to cer-
tain officers of
the navy of the
U. States.
seventy one dollars and forty six cents, it being the amount of his
claim against the state, for per diem fees and attendance on Negro
Charles, who was condemned by Queen Ann's county court, to work
and labor on the roads in Baltimore county; but who mad his escape
on his way thither, and was afterwards committed to Harford county
No. 17.
RESOLVED, That the governor of this state be, and he is hereby
requested to address in the name of the state of Maryland, letters to the
following named officers of the navy of the United States, expressive
of the very high sense entertained of the intrepidity, gallantry, good
conduct and services of themselves and crews in their several engage-
ments with the enemy, in which they supereminently distinguished
To captain Hull and Lieutenant Morris, late of the United States
frigate Constitution, in the attack, defeat and capture of the British
frigate Guerriere, unprecedented in the annals of naval history.
To captain Jones and Lieutenants Biddle and Rogers of the late Uni-
ted States' sloop of war Wasp, in the capture of the British sloop of
war "Frolic'' of superior force.
To captain Decatur of the United States' frigate United States, in
the victory obtained over, and capture of the British frigate Macedo-
Passed Dec.
30, 1812.
Relative to no-
ting the acts of
No. 18.
RESOLVED, That the clerks of the senate and house of delegates,
shall at the foot of each engrossed bill, mention the day on which the
original bill passed its second reading in their respective houses, and
that the printer of the state shall note in the margin, opposite to the
title of each act, the day on which the same. shall appear, by the me-
morandum of the clerks aforesaid, to have passed in the house, in
which it was last acted on.
Passed Dec.
30, 1812.
In favor of
Wm. Bruce.
No. 19.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby directed, to pay unto William Brice, late a captain in the Ma-
ryland line during the revolutionary war, or to his order, a sum of mo-
ney annually, in quarterly payments, equal to the half pay of a captain,
as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country du-
ring the American war.
Passed Dec.
30, 1812.
In favor of
Thomas S.
No. 20.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of this Western Shore be, and he is
hereby directed to pay to Thomas S. Brewer, of the city of Annapolis,
late sergeant in the revolutionary war, or to his order annually, so long
as he may live, a sum of money, in quarterly payments, equal to the half
pay of a sergeant.
Passed Dec.
30, 1812.
In favor of Ni-
cholas Mil-
No. 21.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby authorised and directed to pay to Nicholas Milburn, late a pri-
vate in the Maryland line during the revolutionary war, or to his order,
a sum of money annually, in quarterly payments, equal to the half pay
of a private.
Passed Dec.
30, 1812.
In favor of
No. 22.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby authorised to pay to Sedgwick James, of Harford county, or
to his order, the sum of forty two dollars, it being the amount of the
composition money paid by him into the treasury, on part of a tract of
land called "The Hunting Ground, " lying and being in Harford coun-
ty aforesaid, the said part lying foul of an elder tract, called "Hutche-
son's Discovery corrected. "