No. 10.
RESOLVED, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Tho-
mas Rogers, out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, the
sum of forty dollars, as an additional compensation to him as Clerk to
the senate at June session, 1812.
No. 11.
RESOLVED, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Up-
Passed Dec.
23, 1812.
In favor of
Ths. Rogers.
ton S. Reid, clerk to the House of Delegates, the sum of one hundred
dollars; to Thomas Rogers, clerk to the senate, the sum of one hun-
dred dollars to Gideon Pearce, assistant clerk to the House of Dele-
gates, the sum of one hundred dollars; and to James G. Davis, assist
ant clerk to the senate, the sum of fifty dollars, as an additional com-
pensation for their extraordinary services during the present session;
and also to John Brewer, late clerk to the House of Delegates, for his
services at the extra session, in June last, the sum of forty dollars.
Passed Dec.
23, 1812,
In favor of the
No. 12.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be, and they are hereby
authorised and empowered, in all cases of debts due to this state, where
judgments have been obtained, and the defendants are subject to execu-
tion, upon application being made to them, and being fully satisfied that
the said debt for which an indulgence is prayed is well and sufficiently
secured, and upon such applicant paying six per cent interest and all
costs due thereon, to stay any further proceedings against such debt-
ors, until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and fourteen, and
the said debtors to the state against whom judgments are obtained for
principal and fifteen per cent, interest, are hereby released from nine
per cent, of the said interest, upon their making payment of the prin-
cipal and six per cent, interest and costs, on or before the first day of
January, eighteen hundred and fourteen: Provided, that any judg-
ments upon which proceedings may be stayed as aforesaid, shall con-
tinue and remain in fall force, and executions may be issued thereon
at any time after the expiration of such stay.
Passed Dec.
24, 1812.
In favor of debt-
tors to the
No. 13.
RESOLVED, That the levy court of Baltimore county, or a majority
of them be, and they are hereby authorised to view the land in the
neighborhood of, and lying and being between Deep Bottom and Tho-
mas Owing's Mill; as also between Thomas Owing's Mill and the
Reister's-town turnpike road, and that they report to the next general
assembly, whether a road commencing at Deep Bottom aforesaid, and
thence running by Thomas Owing's Mill, to the said Reister's-town
turnpike road, is necessary and would be conducive to the public con-
venience; and if the said levy court, or a majority or them, shall be of
opinion that it. would be proper to open a road, that then they make a
location of the same, and return it with their proceedings to the gene-
Passed Dec.
24, 1812.
Relative to the
Levy court of
ral assembly as aforesaid.
No. 14.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to the
Reverend Joseph Wyatt, the sum of one hundred dollars, for his ser-
vices as chaplain to the house of delegates, the present session, out of
any unappropriated money in the treasury.
No. 15.
Passed Dec.
28, 1812.
In favor of the
Rev. Joseph
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby authorised and directed, to deliver to James Hood (of John, )
his bond payable to the state, for the purchase money of a tract of land
called Blooming Plains, purchased by the said Hood, of the governor
and council.
No. 16.
Passed Dec.
28, 1812.
In favor of Jas.
Hood (of
John. )
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to John
Kean, junr. late sheriff of Harford county, or to his order, the sum of
Passed Dec.
30, 1312.