Passed Dec.
23, 1812.
Relative to
a sword in-
tended to have
been present-
ed to the late
John Davis.
No. 7.
WHEREAS, By a resolution of the General Assembly of Maryland, of
November session of eighteen hundred and six, the Governor and
Council were authorised and required, to procure three elegant swords
and belts with an appropriate engraving and motto, emblematic of the
; glorious actions fought off Tripoli, and cause the same to be delivered
to Charles Gordon, John Tripp and John Davis; in testimony of the
high sense of approbation the Legislature of this state entertained of
their gallant conduct; and whereas, by the death of John Davis before
the resolution could be fully carried into effect, the sword intended for
him now remains in the Council Chamber; Therefore,
RESOLVED, That the Governor and Council be, and they are here-
by authorized and directed to present to the nearest surviving male re-
lation of the said John Davis, the sword thus intended for the said
John Davis,
Passed Dec.
23, 1812.
Relative to
the late lieut.
Wm. S. Bush.
WHEREAS, It is not only a generous and noble, but also a wise po-
licy in us, as a free and republican government, to distinguish with our
highest approbation, expressed in the most pointed and emphatic man-
ner, such of our citizens as evince by their actions a particular devotion
to the common weal, so that all may be stimulated to virtuous actions,
conscious that if it is deserved they will experience the gratitude of
their country; and thus an holy emulation will be excited amongst us,
in performing such deeds both in war and in peace, as will tend to pre
serve the liberties we now enjoy, and perpetuate the blessings derived
from our independence; and whereas, also, if any of our citizens fall
in battle, fighting in the cause of his country, leaving behind a name
endeared to us by the recollection of his virtues, his bravery, and his
devotion to the liberties of the republic, it behoves us in the spirit of
the same policy, to shew, in the most public and pointed manner, our
respect for that citizen, our regret for his loss and our gratitude for his
services; and whereas, William S. Bush, late a citizen of this state,
and a Lieutenant in the marine corps of the United States, in the late
action between "The Constitution, " one of our frigates, and "The Guer-
rier, " an enemy, an English frigate, fell fighting in the most gallant and
heroic manner, the battles of his country, and in her cause,
THEREFORE, RESOLVED., That to shew the respect to his memory
which we feel, and which it deserves; and to evince the high regard
which this Legislature entertains for bravery and patriotism, such as he
displayed; its gratitude for his services and regret for his loss, the
governor and council of this state be, and they are hereby directed, to
purchase an appropriate golden medal, which they shall present, in the
name of this state, to the nearest surviving male relation of the said
Lieutenant William S. Bush.
RESOLVED ALSO, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay
out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, a sum not exceeding
two hundred and fifty dollars to the order of the Governor and Coun-
cil, so that the object of these resolutions may be carried into effect.
No. 9.